Monday, February 1, 2010

Horse Front Foot Sore Horse Health Question?

Horse health question? - horse front foot sore

My horse loses his balance, hind legs not working properly and the front legs seem to pain and took medication for the pain and go a little better, but what about him? and how to fix this error?


gallop said...

This could be a neurological disease or symptoms of a number of viral infections, or protozoa in context. This will require a medical examination, and the horse must be kept from other horses until the diagnosis is confirmed if it is a contagious disease. What can not be diagnosed here.

lisa m said...

Loss of balance and problems with his hind legs have a kind of neurological disorders and can be anything from a spinal cord injury in EPM. You must obtain a veterinarian and for EPM and West Nile testing will stop and assess what you are here. Nobody here can do everything that can make a difference - you have to get worse by a veterinarian as soon as possible before the diversity of its symptoms and must be destroyed for humanitarian reasons.

Maggs said...

It could be neurological. It could also be laminitis. If the past, the pain, which would give the impression of the hind legs not working properly, in an attempt to keep the weight forward. In any case, you need a diagnosis from a vet, and soon.

Levi.xx said...

Above all, get, in any case, a good horse vet, is it better to pay the sums that pay a lot of money if they have not been addressed. sat in a barn and keep it there until the vet has seen. Are you sure that this is not the laminitis?
it certainly a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Good luck.

Indigo Smith said...

Tell a horse veterinarian. As the other answer-ERS, said it could could help neurological, but we're veterans, but it would be great, a place where online veterans to have! Lol.Stop ride until he could get the horse vet.

justbein... said...

In any case, sounds like a neurological problem in a loss of balance and coordination when walking. Common sense says that a large animal veterinarian receives. This is not something that can "fix at home.

rabbitho... said...

Bot is probably not West Nile, if you are any kind of animal livstock wonder what would have thought it would be if the horse is a cow, or if they worked more than normal horse may only pain

Andrea J said...

It is necessary, a veterinarian who has experience or specializes in caring for horses to ask.

Andrea J said...

It is necessary, a veterinarian who has experience or specializes in caring for horses to ask.

Andrea J said...

It is necessary, a veterinarian who has experience or specializes in caring for horses to ask.

deeknee said...

I'm not sure, but .... PLEASE DO NOT send it to the'!!!!! Slaughter House

kbuff said...

It seems that neurological. I sat a horse veterinarian to offer, what they see. Good Luck

Tanner B said...

Call Ferrier, something in his helmet

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